Amazon To Roll Out "AI Nutrition Cards" – New Technology – United States – Mondaq - eComEmpireStore + Brought to You By: Robert Villapane Ramos

Amazon To Roll Out "AI Nutrition Cards" – New Technology – United States – Mondaq

Hidden discrimination of AI systems continues to be a concern for the world. Various privacy laws, like the GDPR, already provide a right to not be subject to automated decision-making, which is often based on artificial intelligence. Amazon is rolling out a new “AI nutrition label” of sorts to provide transparency of AI Inc […]

Hidden discrimination of AI systems continues to be a concern for the world. Various privacy laws, like the GDPR, already provide a right to not be subject to automated decision-making, which is often based on artificial intelligence. Amazon is rolling out a new “AI nutrition label” of sorts to provide transparency of AI systems. Inc is planning to roll out warning cards for software sold by its cloud-computing division, in light of ongoing concern that artificially intelligent systems can discriminate against different groups, the company told Reuters.
Akin to lengthy nutrition labels, Amazon's so-called AI Service Cards will be public so its business customers can see the limitations of certain cloud services, such as facial recognition and audio transcription. The goal would be to prevent mistaken use of its technology, explain how its systems work and manage privacy, Amazon said.
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