Shopping for mobile phones? 4 reasons why you should add to cart with Globe – - eComEmpireStore + Brought to You By: Robert Villapane Ramos

Shopping for mobile phones? 4 reasons why you should add to cart with Globe –

MANILA, Philippines — If you would ask a person years ago about online shopping, you would probably get responses such as “Legit ba yan?” or “Paano ba yan nagwowork?” due to its unpopularity during that time.  A few years and a pandemic later, Filipinos have developed a newfound love and trust for shopping online, especially for […]

MANILA, Philippines — If you would ask a person years ago about online shopping, you would probably get responses such as “Legit ba yan?” or “Paano ba yan nagwowork?” due to its unpopularity during that time.  
A few years and a pandemic later, Filipinos have developed a newfound love and trust for shopping online, especially for household items, clothes and accessories. It has become so  popular that even the oldies now know and use terms like “budol,” “cash in” and “add to cart.”  
However, do we enjoy the same convenience and satisfaction in online shopping when we’re purchasing high-end products like gadgets? Or does buying devices in stores or kiosks still give a better overall shopping experience?  
With all the advancements in how businesses run their online stores, shopping for devices online can be, indeed, just as good—if not better—as in person.  

We all hate one thing in physical shopping: long lines.  
Not only does it waste time, but it also messes up our schedules especially when we have other things to do. It sometimes even causes us to rush our transactions and overlook important things.  
With online stores, there are no compromises on your schedule, and you have more control of your time. You simply need to open the website and you will no longer need to line up or make  appointments to do your transaction.  
Some stores like even let you finish buying your device in just a few taps or clicks on whatever device you have, anytime and anywhere.  
Another misfortune that could happen when shopping in a store is lining up for how many minutes, only to find out the device you wanted is unavailable. 
One of the many advantages of online shops is that you won’t have to experience this anymore as the website always provides you with everything latest—the latest devices, latest information and newest deals available.  
For example, Globe’s online store assures that there are no compromises on your online shopping experience by giving you access to the latest phones available in their stores. 
In just a few clicks, you’re provided with the wide selection of devices that Globe offers, including bestsellers, online exclusive devices and those that have freebies. It also shows you right away if the device you’re eyeing is available or out of stock.  

Thought you can only customize your postpaid plan inclusions in-store? Well, you can do it online too.  
Online stores like allow you to still build that plan that fits your needs, just like how you do it in stores. This ensures that customizability is still guaranteed for postpaid customers and online shoppers are still given more options that cater to their usage.  
One thing that we particularly like when shopping for devices in-store is that we can get them right away after we purchased them. But some online stores today can also deliver your devices quickly and for free.  
By making delivery easy and fast, shopping your devices online could also mean saving hours and pesos instead of commuting to process your purchase. This perfectly complements the overall convenient experience that Globe Postpaid promises.  
From browsing for devices, customizing your plan and making a purchase, all that’s remaining to do is wait for your device to arrive. All these you can finish expeditiously, online and without the hassle of leaving home and lining up at the mall.  

While Filipinos have already become more appreciative of online shopping’s convenience, our sigurista instincts still come into play (and rightly so) when it comes to purchasing high-end products like a new phone or laptop. We ensure that we don’t get scammed and our money won’t get wasted, which is why some still prefer in-store transactions over online shopping.  
At, confidence and convenience aren’t mutually exclusive, and Globe Postpaid believes that there should be no compromises when it comes to this. They should go hand in hand when shopping for devices online and stores should be able to provide customers with peace of mind to make for a truly convenient shopping experience. 
This said, it is essential that you only purchase gadgets from verified and trusted online stores, like, as you’re assured not only of a totally convenient shopping experience but also that your devices and hard-earned money are in good hands.  
Online shopping for devices at Globe gives value in many ways: from saving time to getting exclusive deals and fast deliveries. There are no compromises to your shopping experience. Quite the contrary, it gives you even more freedom and control. is one of the most vibrant, opinionated, discerning communities of readers on cyberspace. With your meaningful insights, help shape the stories that can shape the country. Sign up now!

